Main Challenges Faced by Companies in Need of Quality Assurance
- Lack of Quality Assurance Processes
- Lack of Testing and Validation Processes for Quality Control
- Excessive Repetitive Work During Testing
- Products with Constant Bugs and Defects
- Inefficient Delivery Processes
- Inconsistencies in Software Delivery
- Difficulty in Maintaining Compliance with Standards and Regulations
- Loss of Users Due to Software Issues

Quality Assurance is a crucial practice aimed at ensuring the correct delivery of products and services. Essentially, the Quality Assurance Engineer optimizes processes during development, supporting the team from the beginning to the end of the project to deliver a functional product or service that brings real value to the client’s business.
This approach focuses on defining strategies and processes that lead to excellence in delivery and satisfaction, with a constant focus on the end user. Key Aspects of Quality:

Why Invest in Software Quality?
Investing in Software Quality is a fundamental step in delivering software that fulfills its purpose with quality, reducing the number of failures, and improving the usability, layout, and performance of a product. This results in various benefits, such as:

Our Services
We offer a range of Software Quality services, including:

Test First
This approach reduces potential errors from the beginning, helping to avoid future failures.

Requirement Verification
We base our verification on User Story lifecycles to ensure compliance with customer needs.

Testing Strategy and Traceability
We ensure that all customer and end-user needs are met by monitoring every step of the development process.
At Iteris, we prioritize delivering value to the customer in all our initiatives. We use the concept of Value Driven Development (VDD) in all our deliveries and apply Lean Manufacturing philosophy to simplify processes and eliminate potential bottlenecks. This optimizes our entire development process, ensuring excellence in the product or service delivered. With Iteris, you will benefit from better results and continuous evolution, always with a focus on customer needs.